Play Time

Breakdown of time played.

Time Played Breakdown

Expressed in various units of time for perspective.

Unit Duration
Seconds 2,521,800
Minutes 42,030
Hours 700.5
Days 29.19
Years 0.08

Items Sold

Number of items sold.

Profits Made

Cash made from selling items. Meth costs subtracted from total ($299,400).

Stat Description
First Seen 12/31/2017
Last Seen 8/12/2018
Member For 223 days
Total Deaths 278
Total Suicides 118
Total Kills 113
Total Bans 13
Alias Last Seen
Randomizable 8/12/2018
Musical boi 7/23/2018 7/21/2018
Jebus 5/28/2018
Martin Williams 3/30/2018
Phillip Lebron 3/24/2018
Jacob Webber 3/21/2018
Johnny Van Humpher 3/19/2018
Cpl. J. Smithers | A-18 | 2288 3/19/2018
Peter Gloposki 3/12/2018
Jaylante Figglehorn 3/11/2018
Cheng Liam 3/11/2018
James Leroy - CEO 3/10/2018
Master Shifu 3/4/2018
Mike Wallace 3/3/2018
Jamesbie jones 2/17/2018
Cpl. J. Smithers | A-22 | 2288 2/17/2018
Cpl. J. Smithers | A-22 | 2288b 2/16/2018
J. Smithers | A-28 | 2288 2/15/2018
John Withers 2/4/2018
J. Smithers | C-09 | 2288 1/26/2018
Jake Smithers |M-594| 1/21/2018
Jake Smithers 1/17/2018
Vanessa Nunoz 1/5/2018