Play Time

Breakdown of time played.

Time Played Breakdown

Expressed in various units of time for perspective.

Unit Duration
Seconds 657,755,220
Minutes 10,962,587
Hours 182709.78
Days 7612.91
Years 20.86

Nothing Else To Do

Most hours played and number play sessions.

# Player Name Hours Sessions
1 Samuel Conrad 2,348 1,080
2 Big Tyrone 1,852 976
3 Joe Hoser 1,358 872
4 Alex Extremos McWillon 1,153 661
5 Frankie Carbone 1,140 652
6 Smokey Manec 1,060 563
7 Lily Miller 1,032 613
8 Dave Cobra 1,021 929
9 Shimmy shenko 1,000 590
10 Conor Pringlet 985 632

Boys In Blue

Most LSPD hours played and number play sessions.

# Service Name Sessions Played
1 C. Pringlet 549 722
2 Not Set 385 662
3 D. Hambleton 409 562
4 F. Union 390 435
5 A. Bryce 503 418
6 A. Forge 354 411
7 Lt. B. Stotzie 450 384
8 Jay Jay 456 342
9 J. Smithers 379 324
10 G. Anderson 251 270

Where's it hurt

Most EMS hours played and number play sessions.

# Service Name Sessions Played
1 CMO A. Garcia 260 286
2 EMT-B E.McWillon 176 255
3 CMA D.Cobra 209 177
4 AEMT L. Gins 185 145
5 CFR T. Dudley 89 126
6 AEMT C. Cooper 120 126
7 Lois Pena 145 124
8 EMT-B N. Joy 139 123
9 CMA N. Lost 103 92
10 Not Set 105 92